by Dan Radmacher   “Bring out your dead!” “Monty Python and Quest for the Holy Grail” is one of those movies you either figure it out and think is hilarious, or you don’t and you simply think it’s stupid. If you fit in the former category, you will absolutely love “Monty Python and Quest for the Holy Grail” in its CD-ROM version. If you’re in the latter category, what’s wrong with you, anyway? The CD-ROM version features the same bizarre sense of humor as the movie and the long running Monty Python’s Flying Circus television show. The laughs begin with the manual, which has a Troubleshooting section that features sections like this: “Problem: You keep looking at me. It’s giving me the creeps. “Solution: Ask me to leave you alone. But be gentle or I shall taunt you, taunt you, taunt you.” Sometimes the joke is on you. This is the case from the first screen on. The option to view the movie is highly recommended, for instance. The opening screen has even more pranks, but to say more would ruin them. There actually seems to be a goal to the CD-ROM, though I never figured out or cared exactly what it was. The fun in playing is being presented with different scenes from the movie, and then exploring them adventure-game-style by clicking on various objects, people and animals just to see what will happen.   So, what will happen? The joy is in finding out. You might get a classic line from the movie, or a piece of that famous Monty Python-style animation. Or you might get a clue that will help you on your search for the Grail. Or you might just get a chuckle. The humor is often Python-gross (flipping turds, anyone?) There’s a little bit of animated nudity, but nothing that would elevate this above a PG-13. Spank the Virgin! The CD-ROM also includes five very Pythonesque arcade-type games. Drop Dead is a Tetris-style game, only instead of colored blocks you’re stacking up dead (and not-so-dead) bodies. Knights in Kombat lets you go at the Black Knight, just like in the movie. Or, if you want, you can fight as the Black Knight, but the result will be the same. Burn the Witches is a Simon rip-off, only you play tunes by selecting the four witches in the appropriate order. If you miss, the witch goes up in flames. Catch the Cow has you trying to save your men from the taunting French guard and his flying cows. Unfortunately, your men can only turn right (“Right!”). This one’s tough. Spank the Virgin is the second easiest and definitely the most fun. You’re stuck in Castle Anthrax with the horrible job of punishing the virgins. You’ve got to watch out for the non-virgin bums, though. You lose points if you spank those.   It’s not whether you win or lose... It’s hard to go wrong with this game. There doesn’t seem to be any real pressure. If you miss a clue, the Historian will help you out. And if you make the Bridge of Death without everything you need, you’ll receive a very special e-mail hint so you can go back and try to find what you missed and explore a little more along the way. The Book of the Game allows you to watch highlight clips of the movie, including the fight with the Black Knight, the encounter with the killer rabbit, and other classic scenes. And there are probably other goodies I just didn’t find. You can wear out your mouse looking for treasures. And now for something completely different... “Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail” is unlike any game you ever played, with the possible exception of “Monty Python’s Complete Waste of Time.” Again, if you’re a Python fan, casual or serious, you really want this disc. Now, excuse me, I have to go spank some more virgins. Pros • That Monty Python sense of humor • Beautifully animated and illustrated • Relive classic clips from the movie • Plenty of surprises Cons • Transitions between scenes are rather slow Publisher Info 7th Level 1110 E. Collins Blvd., #122 Richardson, TX 75081 (214) 437-4858